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Embracing Cannabis: Switzerland’s Trailblazing Pilot Projects

The Dawn of a New Era

Switzerland has given a nod to innovative cannabis pilot projects slated to commence this fall. In certain jurisdictions, residents will soon enjoy the privilege of purchasing cannabis through designated pharmacies, marking a significant shift in the nation’s approach to the controversial plant​1​.

A Closer Look at the Projects

The helm of one project is taken by the esteemed researchers from the universities of Bern and Lucerne. They aim to assess the health and social impacts of cannabis sales under a tightly regulated, non-profit sales model in Bern, Lucerne, and Biel. The 18-month-long trial, aptly named Safer Cannabis Research in Pharmacies or SCRIPT, received the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG)’s approval recently. Approximately 1,000 individuals, aged 18 and above, will participate, with only half of them permitted to purchase cannabis from authorized pharmacies during the first six months​2​.

The SCRIPT study, however, does not intend to legalize cannabis. Its primary focus is addressing prohibition-related issues and exploring harm reduction strategies. Head researcher, Reto Auer, affirms that dispensing cannabis through pharmacies facilitates improved information distribution and harm reduction. It also addresses a significant concern, as illegal cannabis often contains harmful substances such as synthetic cannabinoids, pesticides, or fungi. The SCRIPT study has thus emphasized control over supply and demand, avoiding any form of advertising or attractive packaging. The Cantonal Ethics Committee of Bern, along with the Ethics Committee of Northwest and Central Switzerland, have lent their approval to this study​3​.

Potential Implications

Problematic cannabis use can trigger psychosis. However, regulated sales by health professionals allow for early detection and advice, enabling a more controlled environment compared to the illegal market. Philippe Pfeifer, head of addiction psychiatry at Bern University Psychiatric Services, echoes this sentiment. The findings from these studies could significantly shape the discussion around cannabis policy and provide valuable insights into various regulatory approaches. This sentiment is echoed by municipal councillor Franziska Teuscher, who believes these trials pave the way for evidence-based future cannabis policy​4​.

More Pilot Programs on the Horizon

In parallel, the BAG has approved another program, centered around a single authorized and secure dispensary dubbed “Cannabinotheque.” This dispensary, operating on a membership model in the municipality of Vernier, aims to provide regulated access to cannabis. The ultimate goal is to understand the extent to which regulated cannabis access can enhance substance knowledge, address related concerns, and ultimately reduce the health and social harms typically associated with drug use​5​.

Similar studies are also underway in other cities. For instance, the “Züri Can – Cannabis with responsibility” study in Zurich allows participants to legally purchase cannabis for personal use under regulated conditions, accompanied by periodic questionnaires​6​.

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