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Ganjaland: A Controversial Board Game Celebrating Cannabis Use

Pass a joint with friends while playing the controversial board game, Ganjaland. Designed for players who enjoy smoking cannabis and wish to celebrate its positive effects, the game has gained popularity among pro-cannabis advocates. However, it has also come under fire from opponents who view it as promoting the use of drugs and potentially encouraging young people to experiment with them.

How Is Ganjaland Played?


To play Ganjaland, players choose their character pieces and place them on the starting space of the board. Each player takes turns drawing a card from the deck, which contains various challenges and instructions related to cannabis use. Players must follow the instructions on the card and move their character piece accordingly on the board. Examples of challenges on the cards include naming movie titles you’d watch in “high definition,” sharing hilarious spliff-related confessionals, or even passing joints.

The game comes with various accessories, including a cannabis crown and photo props, to enhance the players’ experience. Pro-cannabis advocates argue that the game is harmless and a fun way to bring people together. They see it as an opportunity to celebrate the legalization of cannabis in many parts of the world and a way to promote the positive effects of cannabis use.


Criticisms of the Game

However, anti-drug campaigners have criticized the game for promoting drug use and potentially encouraging young people to experiment with drugs. It is important to have open and honest conversations with young people about the risks associated with drug use, including the use of cannabis. While Amazon sells the game for $39.99 in Canada, the company has stated that users must be 18 and over to use their services, and under-18s need the involvement of a parent or guardian.


Whether loved or hated, there is no denying that Ganjaland has sparked interesting conversations about the perceived dangers of cannabis use. It is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with cannabis use and to have open and honest discussions about them. As the debate surrounding cannabis use continues, it is essential to promote education and responsible decision-making.

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