Press Releases

The Bluntness Debuts The BLUNTNESS/100 Its Inaugural List of the 100 Most Influential People in Cannabis & Psychedelics

Today, The Bluntness reveals the BLUNTNESS/100, its inaugural list of the 100 most influential people in cannabis and psychedelics. The BLUNTNESS/100 showcases the people and companies who have impacted the cannabis industry primarily, and to a lesser but equally significant extent the psychedelics industry, in a positive and measurable way.

All of those included represent the driving thesis behind the compilation of the BLUNTNESS/100 list: it’s not just enough to have money, or a position of power. A person must be doing something positive with their position, voice or public platform.

“The BLUNTNESS/100 provides our audience of canna-sseurs, canna-curious, cannabis professionals and psychedelic trailblazers a truly robust resource to find information about the people, companies and brands pushing the boundaries of the rapidly growing global cannabis and psychedelics industries,” said Harrison Wise, Chairman and Publisher of The Bluntness. “We looked at connections, reputation, visibility and the outcomes where they have been involved over the last year and we also considered our own interactions with these pioneers, disruptors and influencers.”

The 2022 BLUNTNESS/100 list, tributes, videos and photos will be rolled out over the next several weeks with the full list revealed on 4/20 and will be available at

Of the 2022 BLUNTNESS/100 list, The Bluntness executive editor Gregory Frye shares, “It was not easy to carve down this inaugural list of the most influential people in cannabis to 100 entries. While there are hundreds more people who could have been included, this list features extraordinary people from around the world of cannabis and psychedelics working to build a better future, from athletes and entertainers striving to make cannabis more acceptable and inclusive to legacy operators and activists fighting for legalization, decriminalization and social equity….Those included on the list are disruptors, innovators, doers, iconoclasts, agitators, problem solvers—people who in a year of crisis have leaped into action and continue to show both passion and resolve.”

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